Play Mu Online - Explore Fantasy MMORPG Adventures

PREMIUM MU ONLINE SEASON 20, the legendary MMORPG with epic battles, alchemist characters, and longterm gameplay

Mu Online Season 20 - New Updates and Features

GRAND OPENING FRIDAY 31 JANUARI 2025 Mu Online Season 20. Enjoy new quests, enhanced features, and a great community.

Where to hunt Gold Points (GP) - premium muonline currency


Staff member
Once you gained Gold Points ingame you will hear a distinct sound, so you know you received something special.

The places where to hunt Gold Points are:

1. Hunt golden bosses, example golden budge dragons,

2. Losing and winners members of Icewind event (note you must be inside the castle during at the end of the event)

3. winner of the bloodcastle event

4. winner of the devilsquare event

5 winner of chaoscastle event

6. Imperial event

7. Guildmasters that wins or loses the arca event

8. Guildmasters + alliance guildmaster that wins or loses the Castsle Siege

- Kingz Dragon - Rewards all the members of the party + GP boxes drops
- Fire Dragon - Rewards all the members of the party + GP boxes drops
- Selupan - Rewards all the members of the party

- Medusa

- Golden Budge
- Golden Goblin
- Golden Dark Knight
- Golden Devil
- Golden Stone Golem
- Golden Crust
- GoldenSatyros
- Golden Twin Tail
- Golden Iron Knight
- Golden Napin
- Golden Great Dragon
- Golden Rabbit
- Golden Titan
- Golden Soldier
- Golden Kundun
- Golden Lizard King
- Golden Vepar
- Golden Wheel
- Golden Tantalos
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