Mu Online

oxo muonline bug fixes list


Staff member
Global mu online total update list:

- Installed latest security fixes
- Added new ancient excellent items
- Changed brilliant for all classes
- Improved brilliant ancient options
- Updated xshop wcoin & gp items
- Lucky item sell/warehouse/trade fix
- Fixed 1ste stage for pinkmu compitableness
- fixed wrong ancient on brilliant set
- fixed gloves available for mages
- fixed helm brilliant not showing options
- fixed minor xshop translations
- Added new ancient options to ring ultimatum & solid symbal
--(Drops from wcoin and GP box)
- blue wings incorrect % display
- set 'DaOUTLAW' guild as siege guild (nobody took the time to hunt rena xD and register on time)
- Fixed party maintenance system sometimes not restoring party members properly
- Fixed splash damage not working on selection of 4th skills
- Fixed Bat Flock skill attack logic
- Fixed Sword Inertia skill attack logic
- Fixed requirements of selected Summoner Books not working properly
- Fixed Chaos Guild Charm Bound for Mastery Brilliant items not working
- Fixed Bonf buff stops to work when another player joins the party
- Fixed visual problems for some wings
- Fixed Berserker skill does not increase attack speed
- Fixed issue where connect server could not be run due to reaching maximum limit of connect servers instances
- Fixed some rare malfunctions
- Fixed Sword Inertia attack issues
- Fixed Dragon Violent skill behaviour & visual
- Fixed 4th Wing Add Damage skill
- Wings VIP = 97% (12% stronger then elite)
- Fixed Cheerleader & Baseball transformation rings
- Fixed FormulaData.xml configuration issue resulting in wrong in-game calculations
- Fixed invalid requirements of summoner books
- Fixed attack damage calculation for selected character classes while equipping one/two hand weapons
- Fixed rare random game client crash
- Added 6 new ancient options to special III box.
- added 1m wcoins to all players ?
- Reduced blind effect in radiance
- Can use MUUN with mounts now
- Guardian upgrades, now won't reset to lvl 0, but decrease lvl by 1 if fails
- Fixed issue where Common Option reload did not reload certain files/options
- Fixed issue where connecting to BattleCore server did not show valid origin realm name of a player
- Fixed issue where combining mastery errtels/pentagrams could lead in unexpected behavior
- Changed default configuration of MasteryBonusOptions to improve in-game experience
- Fixed issue where element change combination could result in wrong attribute element applicance on mastery pentagrams
- Fixed issue where Elemental Defense+X (PvP/PvM) option was not applied correctly
- Fixed issue where custom options of Static Item Option plugin were not displayed correctly
- Fixed Game Server crash
- Fixed not working BonusOption of MasteryExcOptions
- Fixed Elemental Critical Damage appears without equipping a Pentagram with Critical Damage option
- Fixed a scenario where set option of mastery errtel could not work
- Fixed Baseball Mini-Game issuing invalid reward
- Fixed issue where it was possible to apply same Pentagram attribute options
- Fixed issue where certain number of Elemental Powder items did not auto-convert to Elemental Capsule
- Fixed issue where Mysterious Stone use on shields resulted in appliance of invalid excellent option
- Fixed issue where harmony options could visually disappear randomly
- Enabled support of harmony Options display for Chaos Box and Personal Store
- Fixed issue where queueing BattleCore could result in SQLSTATE errors
- Fixed issue where Lord of Ferea event area was not restricted properly
- Fixed Bonus Option not being applied properly from MasteryExcOptions.xml file
- Fixed issue where at certain scenario Game Server was unable to connect to Data Server
- Fixed issue where trade of Pentagrams with mastery errtels resulted in invalid set option after trade
- Fixed Bonus Option not being applied properly from MasteryExcOptions.xml file
- Fixed issue where at certain scenario Game Server was unable to connect to Data Server
- Fixed issue where trade of Pentagrams with mastery errtels resulted in invalid set option after trade
- Applied temporary workaround to eliminate invalid visual glitch on Lord of Ferea boss as a part of of furure complete fix
- Issue where Jewel of Harmony options effect was not applied
- Fixed issue where is was not possible to add different options under same element for Mastery Pentagrams
- Fixed itemoptionsystem mount problem
- Fixed issue where using specified combination of mount and guardian items was handled incorrectly
- Added option to AngelWeaponUpgrade.xml > OptionUpgradeType
- Blocked ability to use Mysterious Stone on items with max possible options/bonus
- Fixed issue where Guardians with 0 HP became invalid items
- Fixed issue where repair rate configuration of Fenrir did not work
- Fixed issue where ItemOptionSystem_Exc system could not be used for selected mounts
- Fixed a bug of in-game system allowing for certain abuse by players
- Fixed issue where Harmony Bonus option effect was not applied
- Fixed latest security issue's
- Improved possible occurrence of time sync error appearance on selected machines
- Fixed GameServer crash
- Fixed weapon repair issue
- Every player received 1.000.000 wcoins
- Every donator received 1.000.000 GP ?
- removed all special sets from lucky ticket
- able to repair red rathian and all those sets
- Extended map limit as a part of future custom maps system
- Fixed issue where VIP account expiration check could wrongly disconnect from the game
- Fixed issue where Magic Books of Light Wizard did not increase Magic Damage properly
- Fixed issue where harmony option disappeared upon level upgrade in chaos box
- Minor translations fixes
- Fixed issue where moving pentagram between warehouse and inventory could lead in issue with the pentagram item
- Fixed JOH issue
- Fixed some minor security issue's