Title: Mastering the Art of Magic Gladiator: Sorcery and Swordsmanship Combined in MU Format: Introduction: - Introduction of the Magic Gladiator as a unique class in MU, capable of using both sorcery and swords in combat. Hybrid Abilities and Skills: - Description of the Magic Gladiator's unique ability to wield all weapons and defensive tools of Dark Knights, along with Dark Sorcerers' sorceries (excluding Teleport). - Explanation of the Magic Gladiator's larger size compared to other classes and the increased point allocation of 7 points per level. Creation and Requirement: - Noting the requirement of a level 220 character to create a Magic Gladiator due to its special capacities. - Highlighting the availability of unique sets for the Magic Gladiator, in addition to the ability to use mage and warrior sets. Progression and Reward: - Explanation of the character reaching level 250, resulting in the acquisition of another character, showcasing the continuous progression and development in MU. Conclusion: - Summarizing the versatility and power of the Magic Gladiator, mastering both sorcery and swordsmanship to become a formidable combatant in MU. |
Requirements to create a Magic Gladiator
Have a Level 220 Character.
Magic Gladiator | Duel Master | Magic Knight |
Punto x level | Vitality | Agility | Strength | Energy | Basic Status | Life | Where | Vida x level | Mana x level | Point x Life | Point x Mana |
7 | 26 | 26 | 26 | 26 | 104 | 110 | 60 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 |
Party Set
Magic Gladiator ~ Dark Lord ~ Summoner
Magic Gladiator ~ Dark Knight ~ Rune Wizard
Stats Bonus (Enabled starting with Season 9 Episode 2)
Bonus | Bonus Stat | Section 1 | Section 2 | Section 3 | |||
Minimum | Maximum | Minimum | Maximum | Minimum | Maximum | ||
Increase Damage | Strength | 1 | 1500 | 1501 | 2000 | 2001 | 3000 |
0% | 10% | 10% | 30% | 30% | 45% | ||
Increase Wizardry Damage | Energy | 1 | 1500 | 1501 | 2000 | 2001 | 3000 |
0% | 10% | 10% | 30% | 30% | 45% |
Forms of Training
Magic Gladiator of Agility |
Untrained in strength, the Magic Gladiator of agility is much like that of the Dark Knight of agility. The high-level weapons require the player to develop in the Blade Knight and so the Magic Gladiator cannot equip those high-level weapons. |
Magic Energy Gladiator |
Magical Gladiators can also use the same characteristics as the Dark Wizard's "energy" (not to be confused with Soul Master). Higher energy means increased attack range and high physical damage that is very valuable in a party. |
Magic Gladiator of Vitality |
With enough strength to use strong armor, the Vitality Magic Gladiator is made just like the Vitality Dark Knight and serves the same purpose, but is more beneficial to him due to the extra points it is given. |
Calculation formula for the Magic Gladiator
Maximum Damage | Strength ÷ 4 + Energy ÷ 8 |
Minimal Damage | Strength ÷ 6 + Energy ÷ 12 |
Attack Rate (PvM) | (Level * 5) + (Agility * 1.5) + Strength ÷ 4 |
Attack Rate (PvP) | (Level * 3) + (Agilidad * 3.5) |
Defense | Agility ÷ 5 + Shield's Defense |
Attack Speed | Agility ÷ 15 |
Magic Attack Speed | Agility ÷ 20 |
Defense Rate (PvM) | Agilidad ÷ 3 + Shield Defense Rate |
Defense Rate (PvP) | (Level * 2) + (Agilidad * 0.25) |
Magic Power | Maximo: Energy ÷ 4 Minimum: Energy ÷ 9 |
AG Calculation | (Strength * 0.2) + (Agility * 0.25) + (0.3 * Stamina) + (Energy * 0.15) |
Minimum Elemental Damage | Pentagram Minimum Damage + Strength / 10 + Energy / 14 |
Maximum Elemental Damage | Pentagram Maximum Damage + Strength / 6 + Energy / 8 |
Elemental Defense | Pentagram Defense + Agility / 5 |
SD x Level Master | 40 |
HP x Level Master | 1 |
Mana x Level Master | 1 |
Added Modifications
Season 12 Episodio 2
Magic Gladiator's maximum Attack Speed is capped
Previous Attack Speed Limit = None
Current Attack Speed Limit = 351
Wing of Darkness | Wing of Chaos |
Used by the Magic Gladiator | Used by the Magic Gladiator |
Level Requerido 215 | Level Requerido 290 |
Wing of Magic | Wing of Ruin |
Used by the Magic Gladiator | Used by the Duel Master |
Level Requerido 290 | Level Requerido Level Master |
Wings of Annihilation |
Used by the Magic Knight |
Level Requerido 800 |
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