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Frequent disconnects


New member
I get disconnected very frequently. Mostly it happens when there are many monsters on the screen, but sometimes I am just hanging in town doing absolutely nothing and get disconnected.
My system is 16 GB DDR4, i7 and RTX 2070, Windows 11
I tried increasing and decreasing screen resolution from launcher settings, nothing helped
Those are for slow internet and my internet is fast, anyway those were first things I tried, did not help.
Sometimes some strange white symbols appear in chat window and disconnect follows after a second, I was fast enough to take a screenshot before disconnect
I think those issue are resolved on the latest mu online client, redownload it again and let me know if all is ok.
I think those issue are resolved on the latest mu online client, redownload it again and let me know if all is ok.
Correct, I have not seen any DCs lately. I don't know if that is related with new client though, I have been playing with Dark Lord lately and DCs occured when I played with Datk Knight. I think they were related with speed of some skills, it only happened when using death stab, sword blow and skills like that and never with slow skills like twisting slash or rageful blow. They were very fast, the anticheat thought I was cheating and gave disconnects